All articles about #studies
Opted for Investing in Mining? Refer to This Calculator First
Since the moment the word “mining” got mainstream there have been heated debates on whether it is profitable to m...
Only 2% of American Investors Own Bitcoin: Who Are They?
A survey conducted by Wells Fargo/Gallup showed that only 2 percent of U.S investors own Bitcoin. Although, the level of...
Does Bitcoin Threaten Crypto Industry?
If you ask anyone what occurs to them when they meet the word “cryptocurrency” they are very likely to say &ldquo...
Inflation and Bitcoin Money Supply
The diagrams below demonstrate bitcoin money inflation. They have nothing to do with price inflation, which is a completely d...
Holding or Selling: Better Crypto Strategy
The Shrimpy team has published a research which contains detailed technical analysis and compares two different ways of inves...
7 Signs That You May Suffer Crypto Addiction
Do you check how Bitcoin price changed every time you wake up or go to bed? Do you always keep CoinMarketCap tab open in your...
Why 70% of ICO Tokens Don’t Come to Exchanges
The number of crypto exchanges has exceeded 250 recently so it would be quite reasonable if every ICO token would find its ap...
Is It Possible to Travel the World With Cryptocurrency Alone?
Two years ago software developer Felix Weiss amazed the whole crypto community as he travelled around the world for 18 months...
Cryptocurrency Burning: Is Control Over Digital Inflation Possible?
What is burning of coins?
Coin burning is a way for miners and digital currency developers to recall tokens or coins from ci...